It’s been an interesting year. Eight months after having a large kidney stone removed, I was diagnosed with very early stage cancer—small, low grade, etc. The treatment (surgery) would very likely cure the cancer. The specter of cancer meant that I found this surgery physically easier, but emotionally much harder.
The aftermath of the surgery was interesting in unexpected ways, too.
Six months after surgery, at one of my periodic follow-up visits, I was sitting awkwardly at the end of the exam table, dressed in the standard patient gown and sheet, and waiting to see Becky, the nurse practitioner I’d been assigned to that day.
When Becky came into the room, she logged into the computer, introduced herself, then said, “I know you don’t want to be here today, except that we made you come back.”
Her statement was true.
I didn’t want to be here: It was a gorgeous late-summer afternoon, and I’d much rather have been exploring the outdoors, or even dealing with my own in-basket, than coming for an appointment.
I didn’t want to be here: I’d never wanted to be a cancer patient, even one with a low-risk, early-stage malignancy, presumably cured by the surgery.
I didn’t want to be here: Walking into the building brought back all the anxiety I’d felt when I was newly diagnosed and going for my first consult with the surgeon.
I didn’t want to be here: I didn’t want to see a different provider at every visit; I wanted to be seen by someone like my primary-care doctor, who would start the visit by sitting down and asking me how I was doing, and who would take time to really listen to the answer.
As Becky ran efficiently through the checklist of questions on her note template, I wondered what she’d really meant by her comment.
From my point of view, her sentence’s two clauses each implied several possibilities:
The first phrase and its corollaries went like this: “I know you don’t want to be here today, and so…
…we won’t talk about how you feel about being a cancer patient.”
…we won’t talk about how you feel about having needed surgery.”
…we won’t talk about your fears that I’ll find a recurrence.”
…we won’t talk about how common it is for patients to feel anxious about coming here.”
The second phrase and its corollaries went like this: “…except that we made you come back, and…
…given how often you’ve rescheduled your follow-up visits, and that you’re two months late for this fourth-month visit, I don’t think you understand the seriousness of your diagnosis.”
…I don’t have time to address any obstacles you may have faced in coming for an appointment.” (She might have been willing to hear about them, if easy solutions had existed.)
…there’s nothing we can do to make this appointment more pleasant.”
Sitting there and reflecting on all of this, I also recognized how fortunate I was that my cancer had been caught very early, with a favorable prognosis. The surgery itself had very likely been curative; I was probably one of the healthier patients Becky was seeing that afternoon.
From her demeanor, I understood that she was trying to be friendly and reassuring by normalizing my presumed discomfort. Unfortunately, in doing so, she had preempted my chance to express that discomfort. And by preempting any discussion of my worries, she’d also denied herself the satisfaction of seeing my relief at having a normal exam—of seeing an anxious patient turn into a happy one.
I in turn, as a family physician, began to worry about how often, in attempting to reassure my own patients, I might have shut down their questions or concerns.
Becky didn’t know how many times, late at night, I’d reviewed the relevant medical literature to assuage my moments of panic.
She didn’t know how many times a day, while explaining physiology to a patient, I’d felt acutely aware of my own missing organs.
She didn’t know about the frequent changes in my work schedule that had forced me to reschedule several follow-up appointments.
I thought of the times I’d precepted family-medicine residents who were struggling to complete all of the required tasks in a patient visit while also connecting with the patient on a human level. My suggestions to be curious, or to ask patients more about their lives, seemed insensitive to the residents’ workload. Becky’s workload was likely just as overwhelming; how could I begrudge her the need to be efficient?
I also felt acutely aware of the many extra tasks that are added to doctors’ clinical checklists, supposedly to measure quality, and regardless of their practicality—such as counseling patients who live in food deserts to incorporate fresh vegetables into their diets. Becky likely had similar tasks to complete, again taking away time that she could have used to build a connection with me.
I knew how often I look at an “easier” patient visit as an opportunity to catch my breath; why should I not expect that she’d approach my appointment in the same way? Why should I ask for a lengthier visit, when I knew her time was needed for sicker, more complicated patients?
The reality, of course, is that every patient needs a sense of connection, regardless of the severity of their diagnosis or the length of the clinician’s to-do list on the electronic medical record.
Trying to trim time by minimizing the human connection is a false economy. Moving immediately to the official, prescribed visit agenda denies both patient and provider the opportunity for the kind of genuine connection–even if it’s relatively superficial–that makes patient care richer and improves everyone’s experience.
Simply starting the visit with “How have you been doing?” would have offered me the chance to mention some of my fears, if I’d wanted to. Becky could, perhaps, have offered me a referral to a support group, or have simply acknowledged my actual emotions as opposed to my presumed emotions, which would have felt healing. I believe that she is a good-hearted person who was trying to be reassuring, but her words left me feeling shamed and alone with my fears. The visit was medically perfect, but I didn’t feel cared for.
As I contemplated this, sitting in the exam room, Becky finished up her questions and completed the exam, asking, “Do you have any other concerns?”
I thought for a second, then decided simply to answer, “No, I’m all set.”
Arriving home, I received a message that Becky’s note on the visit was available for review. I scanned the note and saw the last line.
It read: “All questions answered to the patient’s satisfaction.”
10 thoughts on ““I Know You Don’t Want to Be Here…””
It’s all about connection—establishing a bond between the care provider and patient. It’s all about time—allowing even a few minutes to be compassionate, to treat the patient as a person, not as a disease. It’s all about empathy—making room for human feelings and conversations from the heart. Keep writing; never lose your ability to listen and respond.
Dear Dr. Pierce,
I’m glad writing helps you process the emotional experience of being a provider; please keep writing. I so get it that amid a brief encounter, you were aware of – and compassion for – all the issue contributing to their brevity.
I wish it didn’t matter whether or not we tell them we’re also providers. Sometimes it helps, but the downside you point out is the assumptions made.
I loved your 2/15 response: “Please do not confuse who I am as a doctor with who I am as a patient. I may flip between calm discussion of alternatives and wildly irrational anxiety.” The good ones completely understand that.”
“A minor heart attack” is something that happens to someone ELSE,” I’ve heard. Like your “early cancer dx” – it’s minor to someone else, to you, it was life-changing, adding to other, prior medical issues. I hope your story helps remind providers that everyone’s situation is vastly more complex than we’ll have any idea of when they see us.
Previously in clinical practice, I worked in IT when EMRs were first being developed. All the “dropdown” pre-selected responses were created to save time. The upside is that data analysis led to safer acute care. Unfortunately, quantity (of patients seen) replaced quality in encounters. Provider shortages and long wait times for potentially life-saving appointments are horrible outcomes of supposed cost-saving measures.
At 72, I feel VERY fortunate to have a primary care provider who actually provides care– caring– as well as professionalism, careful listening, and excellent, knowledgeable care.
I wish I had more helpful answers. I write, too. It helps.
Thank you Dr Pierce, for your story. It brought to mind a visit with my Family Physician 25 years ago. My doctor was busy completing the EMR and had never looked at me after our initial handshake, so I was compelled to interrupt him. I too am a Family Physician and was an Associate Professor in our Dept of Family Medicine. Addressing him I told him he had not looked at me since our initial handshake and didn’t know if I was smiling, scowling, or even disconnected. He immediately pushed back from the computer and we had a conversation. The same was true every time I subsequently saw him. I hope that was true for other people in his care.
Reading about your experience, I’m struck by the comments that follow. EMRs may be cumbersome, but using them as an excuse to not have a simple question, “How are you doing?” or “How are you coping?” is not acceptable, nor is it good medical practice. We should all start to call out medical professionals whose shortcuts to finishing an exam leaves us less cared for.
I did email the surgeon directly about this, after my next visit was with a different NP who – at least after going through the checklist of questions – said “so you’re only here because we make you come in”. I asked him to suggest that they use the phrase “so this is your routine follow up” instead.
As a doctor/patient going through liver failure, portal hypertension,hepatocellular carcinoma and a very long waitlist for a liver transplant, I noticed two things about my interactions with my various gastroenterologists, surgeons, NPs and various other specialists:1) they always assumed I knew more than I did and never asked about questions I might have on various complications. 2) they assumed I would not have emotional reactions to bad news and tended to drop devastating pieces of information then hurry on to the next item on the checklist. Almost no one ever asked how I was coping.
I’m so sorry. It’s really hard to be a doctor/patient – I generally don’t advertise that I’m a physician, though the information is in my chart, and I work in the same system I get care. At times I’ve flat out told specialists “please do not confuse who I am as a doctor with who I am as a patient. I may flip between calm discussion of alternatives and wildly irrational anxiety.” The good ones completely understand that. Based on the way she discussed things, I think this NP didn’t realize that I was in health care at all…
I hope things improve for you.
Great piece Dr. Pierce. In the days of paper charts and and absence of counting elements in a note for billing, I found that docs wrote very pithy digests of the appointment and only pertinent things on exam. The NPs remark about not wanting to be at the appointment is likely her transference of not wanting you to be there either. Our medical culture now doesn’t allow much time for learning how to speak with patients that allows the kind of connection that is meaningful.
To complement and compliment the article and above comment, I miss the days of paper charts, (as a patient). I don’t know what was written in them exactly, other than clinical notes from the visit, (SOAP notes, I think they’re called), but in my mind’s eye, I think maybe a doctor might have written, “Her mom has Alzheimer’s,” which might prompt him or her to ask not only how my mom was doing, but how was I, as her caregiver, was doing. Now, boxes are checked, I see and hear my doc clicking away. It’s comforting when a doc looks a patient in the eye, even just for a second or two. It’s mutually beneficial and rewarding, I think.
Dr. Pierce:
This is so powerful and beautifully written. You write and express what many patients have felt and experienced during my 24 year medical career. I left primary care in 2008 to practice hospital based medicine…long before EMR. Now that EMR is here to stay, I sense and feel many more clinicians are losing those connections to patients and, sadly, the patients suffer the end result. Please don’t change. Please voice your concerns. And please continue to practice what you preach…the world will be much better for it.
Beautiful piece. Tugs at your soul. Please continue to write and continue to share.
And I pray for your health moving forward. Thanks for sharing.