More Voices FAQs
What are you looking for in More Voices submissions?
Brief nonfiction first-person stories and reflections that arise from your own healthcare experience. (Sorry, More Voices does not accept poetry submissions.)
How about opinion pieces?
We don't run opinion pieces, but we are most interested in the story behind the belief, i.e., in the personal experience that led you to feel so strongly about something.
Do you accept submissions from non-healthcare professionals?
Most definitely. All Pulse features welcome pieces from patients, caregivers and anyone else with a healthcare experience to share.
Who is the More Voices audience?
Pulse readers are patients, health professionals, families and the general public. When crafting your story, please avoid medical jargon. Make sure that your piece would make sense to your sister-in-law, your teenage nephew or an old friend who is outside the medical field.
How do I submit?
Click on Submit to More Voices and fill out the form. It's pretty easy.
Can I submit more than one piece on a given theme?
We ask authors to limit their submissions to one piece per theme.
What if I'm unhappy with the edits?
Given time limitations and our wish to accept and post pieces quickly, our editors are unable to engage in a back-and-forth exchange with authors over stylistic issues, although they will correct factual errors introduced by their editing. It is always your option to withdraw your piece, and we will take it down from our website--with no hard feelings.
Is there a deadline for making a submission on a More Voices theme?
There is no deadline. You may make a submission on any posted More Voices theme at any time.