fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

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Tag: on call

Night Call

Richard Weiss ~ At two am its insistent ring ambushes me awake. I whisper, not wanting to disturb my wife or rouse the dog who will whine for food, write down the name and number before it’s jumbled, swallow my resentment on being awakened and listen to his story–then ask those practiced questions, scrolling his body from one organ to another. Tell me about the pain–what it feels like–pressure or a vise, does it stab, sear, rip, ache, is it steady

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The University Hospital of Somewhere Else

Paula Lyons July 1. My first day as a family medicine intern, assigned to Labor and Delivery, and my first night on call, 6 pm sharp. Enviously, I watched the other interns smartly packing up to go home. “See you in the morning–maybe!” they joked. I glanced at the status board: eight patients in labor. And now I was “in charge,” at least in name, till 7 am report tomorrow. Several chaotic hours later, I finished helping a Guatemalan mother of five to deliver her sixth son. My hands were trembling. Toweling the plucky little newborn dry, I admitted the truth: Despite my University Hospital’s proud reputation as a maternity center, this woman would probably have done as well or better in her own warm,

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