fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

Making a More Voices Submission

Create More Voices Post
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Must be different from the theme. We reserve the right to select a title for any work published in Pulse.
Select Theme *
You must select a theme for submission from the list above. 'More Voices' and Years i.e. 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 etc. are not themes for selection.
Have you ever been published in Pulse before? *
Terms and Conditions *

We welcome your true first-person story of 40 to 400 words. (Sorry, we do not accept poetry for More Voices, and we only accept one submission per theme.)

If you are not currently subscribed to Pulse, please subscribe. (While we offer Pulse free of charge, we also encourage subscribers to “energize” their subscriptions with a voluntary donation.)

To make a More Voices submission, use this form at left. Suggest a title for your piece. Your title must be different from the theme. Pick a theme from the dropdown menu. (This month’s theme is at the top, although you may submit a piece on any theme at any time.)

If you are writing about a patient, please read the Terms and Conditions and be sure to change identifying information.

If you are writing about a sensitive subject, it is possible to have your piece published anonymously. Check the appropriate box and let our editors know your wishes in the main text.

After submitting your piece, you’ll receive an automatic email acknowledgment; within seven days you’ll be hearing from one of our More Voices editors.

All accepted pieces are edited, sometimes vigorously–for length, flow, clarity and style–and published on our website within a week. If our editing is not to your liking, you are free to request that your piece be taken down, with no hard feelings. Unfortunately, we are unable to negotiate individual More Voices edits, so we ask that you please accept (or reject) all our edits as a package. If your piece has not been accepted, we will notify you via email.

If you have questions about your submission or problems using this form, use the Contact Us form to query our More Voices editors.

We look forward to reviewing your piece.  Please note that pieces submitted here are only considered for the More Voices section of Pulse. If you would like to submit a story to Pulse‘s weekly e-mail, please check out our Submission Guidelines

If you have other questions, please check out More Voices FAQs or use the Contact Us form to query our More Voices editors.

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