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fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

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Tag: quality of life

Letting Go.Houck

Letting Go

Gia Marie Houck

About the artist: 

“I am a hospice social worker in Austin, Texas. I also very much enjoy photography as a hobby, and photo editing to make more artful images.”

About the artwork:

“This image symbolizes the peace of acceptance and letting go in loss–whether it be just for a moment or for a longer time. To me, it also speaks to the courage to let go when treatment is not working and is making one too sick to have

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Ronna Edelstein

When my friend Madeline turned seventy, she celebrated in a big way: She walked a half-marathon; she hosted a cabaret for family and friends at which she sang and told stories; she traveled to China. Now, six years later, this dynamic woman has become a virtual prisoner in her apartment. She has undergone back surgery, suffered a nearly fatal intestinal infection and, after a fall, had bolts and screws placed in her hip. Her voice, which once broadcast her energy and joie de vivre, has dwindled to a whisper.

The thread that links all of these bodily assaults is pain. Chronic, intense pain has drained away my friend’s energy and quality of life. No doctor has definitively diagnosed the source of

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