Dear Pulse readers,
I have exciting news to share.
Events of the recent past have prompted national soul-searching about the impact of racism and other systemic and unconscious biases upon ourselves, our society and our global community. We at Pulse have always invited minority viewpoints, but we know that there’s more to be done–like making that invitation more clear and consistent, and making sure that our staff reflects our commitment to diversity and inclusion.
In keeping with that, I have two announcements:
First, Pulse is launching a new feature: New Voices, which will make its appearance this coming Tuesday.
New Voices will carry feature-length (1200-word) first-person stories from people whose perspectives have been underrepresented in Pulse and elsewhere.
A list of such individuals would include those who are Black and other people of color. It would also include members of groups whose stories and perspectives don’t receive the attention they deserve–and that, when they do appear, are presented in stigmatized or dehumanized ways.
This list is long–and inevitably incomplete. If you are a member of such a group, you know who you are. We want to hear from you. Please send us your story on the New Voices Submission Form.
The second announcement is that our New Voices editor will be Olapeju Simoyan. Olapeju (or Peju, as she’s known) is a family medicine-trained addiction medicine specialist and the founding executive director of research at Caron Treatment Centers, an addiction treatment network. She’s also a professor in the department of psychiatry at Drexel University College of Medicine and on the faculty of the Penn State College of Medicine. She is, in addition, the founding editor of Black Diamonds, the arts and literary magazine of Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.
We are excited to have Peju joining our editorial staff. It’s one important step in an evolving process.
We should note that all of Pulse’s other features–stories, poems, haiku and More Voices–will continue to welcome underrepresented voices, just as in the past. Our New Voices feature is simply a way of extending that welcome in a more deliberate way.
One final note: In seeking to promote conversations that touch upon historic and ongoing wounds, one can sometimes cause unintended pain even when the intent is to promote healing. I hope that you’ll let us know when you think we’ve fallen short or missed the mark. And I hope that you’ll give us the chance to correct course as we make this journey together.
Again, if you have experiences that apply to our New Voices feature, I invite you to send us your story using the New Voices Submission Form.
And please stay tuned for the launch of New Voices!
With warm regards,
Paul Gross