fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

Zachary Jacobs


Zachary Gene Jacobs 

About the artist:

Zachary Jacobs is an academic hospitalist and storyteller who believes that compassionate care and patient-centered medicine are enhanced by a familiarity with narrative. He is driven by his passion for stories and aspires to capture and recount their beauty through poetry, prose, photography and visual arts.


About the artwork:

“The beach will always hold a special place in my heart; I frequently find myself drawn there in times of personal dissonance. I go there searching for answers, or, failing that, at least a sense of tranquility. Recently walking along the shores of Santa Cruz a little after sunrise, I came across this funny little avian yogi who seemed to embody the balance and serenity that I so often struggle to achieve in my own life and work. I reflected on how much we can learn from simply taking the time to observe the natural world around us, and I felt thankful for the demonstration of mindfulness meditation » Continue Reading.

Balance Read More »

Jacobs Galapagos


Zachary G. Jacobs

About the artist: 

Zachary G. Jacobs is a third-year internal-medicine resident at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and a member of the Global Health and Underserved Populations track. His professional interests include global health, medical education and narrative medicine. He believes that the world has a story to tell and attempts to capture that story via art, photography, narrative and poetry.

About the artwork:

“I took this photograph in the Galápagos Islands, where I traveled after spending one month volunteering in local hospitals and clinics in the Napo region of Ecuador. Of the many things I learned during my time in South America, one thing that will stick with me is the resiliency and warmth of the people of that region. They shoulder unimaginable burdens, yet somehow carry on smiling. The tortoise pictured here reminds me of the patients I cared for–his rough and wizened skin suggests a life of hardship, but the upturned corners of his mouth betray a smile.”

Resilience Read More »

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