fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

Michael Leach

The Day Grandpa Passed

The Day Grandpa Passed

Michael Leach

About the artist: 

MIchael Leach currently works as a data and quality specialist in a hospital setting. He is also a published researcher, writer, poet and photographer with special interests in health and history. His creative work has been published in The Medical Journal of Australia, Medical Humanities, The Galway Review and Pulse–voices from the heart of medicine. Michael creates visual images in order to capture and share the poignancy and beauty that he perceives in everyday life. He resides in Central Victoria, Australia.

About the artwork:

“This photo, taken from the window of my office at a regional hospital, shows the darkness of the day my eighty-nine-year-old grandpa passed, the old hospital in which he spent his final days and the bright light he always radiated. It was a cold winter’s morning when a nurse called my office to convey urgent news: Grandpa was dying at my workplace’s hospice. I dropped everything and rushed

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A Therapeutic Garden Leach

A Therapeutic Garden

Michael Leach

About the artist: 

Michael Leach is a health researcher, wordsmith and photography lover. Having recently submitted his thesis for a PhD in pharmacy at the University of South Australia, Michael is currently working as a freelance academic editor while pursuing interests in visual poetry and photography. His visual poetry has been published in the Medical Journal of Australia, A New Ulster and Medical Humanities. He creates visual images in order to capture and share the beauty and poignancy that he perceives in everyday life.

About the artwork:

“I photographed this scene one fine spring day while strolling through the Adelaide Botanic Garden in Adelaide, South Australia. I was struck by the juxtaposition of the blue sky, tranquil waters and vibrant flora with two neighboring hospital wings: the radiation oncology and residential wings of the Royal Adelaide Hospital. It called to mind a smiling patient I had just seen sitting in the garden and, on a more

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