fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

Lisa S. Gussak

Amniotic twigs

Amniotic Twigs

“One morning while walking my dog, I noted a collectionn of small twigs with just a hint of frost on them. The pattern made by the twigs reminded me of the slides I examine when looking for ferning, a pattern made by amniotic fluid which confirms that a woman has ruptured her membranes during labor.”

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Penal Code

When I see Rosa’s name on my patient list, I smile. I have known her nearly eight years. Under my care, she’s given birth to her last two children, and although she takes the kids to a pediatrician rather than me, we have an uncanny habit of bumping into each other outside the office. I’ve seen her and the kids in the market, at a park and in the hospital lobby, and I have been invited to, but could not attend, a family birthday party.

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Lisa Gussak

About the artist:

Lisa Gussak is a primary-care doctor who has been practicing for nearly twenty years. Over the past few years, she has become increasingly interested in photography. “I am drawn to the natural world, where I find patterns and/or colors that interest me, particularly when the context is shifted or that which appears small is made large.”

About the artwork:

“I take a lot of pictures of trees, bark and lichen. In this image, I was interested in the way that this small knot of wood reminded me of the skin of many patients I’ve seen over the years.”

Visuals editor:

Sara Kohrt

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