mimiandgrace hwang


 Esther Hwang

About the artist: 

Esther Hwang is a second-year medical student at Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. “I take occasional photos when the beauty of life captures my heart. I spend most of my days studying and learning more about being a physician. I am interested in pursuing family medicine and obstetrics. On the weekends, I enjoy spending time with my husband and family, as well as baking cookies and exploring Athens, Ohio.” 

About the artwork:

“This photo captures my niece Grace comforting her grandma (“Mimi”), my mother, just prior to surgery. Two-year-old Grace sensed the tension in the room. She reached and grasped her Mimi’s hands, as if to say that it was all going to be okay. And five hours later, Grace was proved right. In my mother’s words: ‘Before my brain surgery, my thoughts were pretty extreme. I wasn’t even sure if I would make it through. But I was so glad to see all my family. Grace did » Continue Reading.

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