fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

Small Town Blues


About the Artwork

“This scene depicts an empty street (with the exception of a lone biker) in small-town America: Monroe, Michigan. While media coverage of our global health crisis has focused on large urban areas, COVID-19 has also had a significant, under-discussed impact on rural communities–many of which consist only of small businesses that may struggle to return after lengthy closures.”

Conrad Mahr is a school psychologist and clinical psychologist in the Metro Detroit area. Landscape and photography has always been a personal hobby and passion. 


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1 thought on “Small Town Blues”

  1. This is a beautiful photo about a timely subject. We don’t think of smaller towns with the virus since they don’t make the news but I grew up in a hometown of around 2500 people and it’s there. The police chief was the first known case. In our town, unfortunately, so many small businesses had already closed due to a bypass around town and chain stores being built out around or near that bypass. An earlier sort of death.

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