Once a week, it happens to be on Mondays, I gather the supplies:
- Alcohol wipes
- 1 mL syringe
- 18- and 22-gauge needles
- Vial of testosterone
- Mini sharps container
- 16-year-old child
I follow the steps that the clinic nurse taught me:
- Carefully wipe the rubbery top of the vial and my 16-year-old’s tricep with alcohol
- Screw the 18-gauge needle onto the syringe
- Pull back the plunger to suck air into the syringe
- Pierce the rubbery top of the upside-down vial
- Inject the air into the liquid
- Draw back 0.5 mL of testosterone
- Push in the plunger until the tiniest drop of liquid beads at the tip of the needle
- Exchange the obscenely large 18-gauge for the kinder, gentler 22
- Pinch a clump of the 16-year-old’s tricep region between my thumb and forefinger
- Push the 22-gauge needle into their flesh, empty the T into their soft tissue
My scientist brain likes the cold, hard facts of the injections. They distract me from the emotional uncertainty and subjectivity of the situation.
(Although I do find it weird how someone long ago decided that the smaller the gauge number, the larger the needle. Counter intuitive. Inversely proportional.)
I wonder if the injections will help achieve your desired outcomes:
- Deeper voice
- Facial hair
- Male-er facial structure
- Cessation of menses (not entirely achieved with Depo-Provera)
- Breast shrinkage
Most of all, I hope the injections will prove that I:
- Love you
- Believe you
- Support you
- Want the best for you
- Will do whatever I can to create a happy, healthy future for and with you
Lisa Sieczkowski
Omaha, Nebraska
1 thought on “Doctor-Mom vs. Gender Dysphoria”
Lisa, may your loving tribe increase! This is such a powerful show of ❤