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fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

When the Prognosis Changes

About the Artwork

“Sharing news of an illness with a patient often occurs in phases. As the information is gathered, the story can shift towards hope or darkness. This image of a sky in the early evening reminds me that what we see often depends upon what we are hoping to hear.”

Lisa Gussak has been exploring the creative medium of photography for the past seven years.  She enjoys connecting images from the natural world to her work as a family physician.  “Walking with my camera gives me the opportunity to observe the natural world, to see things as they appear in the moment and to reflect, all of which inform the care I provide to patients and their families.”


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2 thoughts on “When the Prognosis Changes”

  1. Family Health Center of Worcester

    What an amazing moment you captured; the moment when the clouds roll in…or are they rolling back?

  2. Gorgeous photo and wise words, Lisa. Studying the photo reminds me that the prognosis can change in many directions.

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