fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy


About the Artwork

This work is a paper collage created from cardstock. The image of the neuron was cut using an X-ACTO knife, and the piece was assembled with foam tape.
Hillary Mullan is a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. She is pursuing a residency in neurology at NYU and enjoys thinking about the intersection of art and medicine.


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3 thoughts on “Neuron”

  1. This is brilliant, time, intricate care and patience in spades! I also love this because it also captures the magnificent fractals that underly so many structures in nature: trees and leaves, sponges, seaweeds … just to mention a mere few. The use of the blue background helped to take me on a journey through sky and water to those places, as well as neurons. As someone who is losing neural function over time, this was a really evocative piece of art, thank you for sharing.

  2. Hillary, what patience! It takes me away. And that hue of blue field couldn’t be stronger for floating it and freeing it up to vibrate. A welcome place to stop & rest after a deadly tough week everywhere.

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