Paul Helzer
About the artist:
Paul Helzer received his MFA at Hunter College in New York. As an optic artist, he examines qualities of peripheral experiences. Since becoming a full-time cinematographer, he has travelled globally as a director of photography on documentary, narrative and commercial projects. He and his wife and business partner, Alana, live in Bolinas, CA.
About the artwork:
“This image of grass was taken using a camera obscura (‘dark room’ in Latin). The image a camera obscura projects is reversed and upside-down, which was true of this image before being digitally corrected. Only the center is in focus. The topsy-turvyness of this image-making process reflects the experience my wife and I have had with the healthcare system in trying to have a baby. We’ve felt upside-down and backwards, uncertain of what the future holds. It’s frustrating that the system which seems to offer us a solution also pays little attention to the other things in our lives that matter.”
Visual Editor:
Justin Sanders