fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy


About the Artwork

“The COVID-19 pandemic cost many people, including those on the front lines, their lives and peace of mind. The rampant spread of misinformation and lack of a unified federal response meant that healthcare workers had to shoulder much of the burden of public education and personal safety. This artwork conceptualizes one such healthcare worker–hailed as a hero, but held hostage by administrative ineptitude.”

Akshatha Silas is a medical student at Case Western Reserve University. A lifelong artist and poet, she takes pride in creating works that are inspired by her time in the medical field, both as a patient and as a provider. She is involved in research and advocacy to expand healthcare access for marginalized populations. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, kickboxing and going camping in the California redwoods.


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1 thought on “Heroes”

  1. I really appreciate your artwork. As an ICU nurse who survived the COViD pandemic this image is very powerful. We were hero’s who were crippled by administrative ineptitude. Thank you

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