fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

Fenced In

About the Artwork

“I was out for a camera walk and thinking about how much the pandemic has limited our lives and how, despite the beautiful weather, I felt fenced in. This flower trying to poke its way through the fence captured how the time of the pandemic feels.”

I’m a family physician, and photography is what rescues me from burnout.


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2 thoughts on “Fenced In”

  1. Rachel Wheeler

    This is a letter written by an elderly person I loved. Your photo brings it to mind.

    August 2010

    Today I did walk. I thought about going out to the road and down, like Jim and I used to do before he lost his sight. Instead, I went over to the garden and all around. I like walking by myself. My back is not straight, but it doesn’t hurt.

    He used to keep the garden so neat. It’s nothing like it was. An odd thing– I found a single gladiolus, coming up between the post and the fence. How did it ever find its way there? Where did it come from? Nobody planted it. Such a sad little blossom, bent to grow in that tight place, part in, part out.

    He is so good. He always says he likes it when I describe what I see. Maria sent me a photo of a water lily, ripples of water passing underneath, so clear. So perfect, you can’t imagine, he would just love it. I want so much to show it to him. I don’t know how to tell you.

    I wish I could write a poem about that gladiolus.

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