At the independent-living facility, we take pleasure in our meals. And, the ingenuity of those who prepare them!
At this morning’s breakfast, for example, it was yesterday’s ham chopped and hidden in buttered egg whites. Those of us who remembered the menu smiled and ate, pleased with Amanda’s maneuvering leftovers. But tonight, it’s watermelon strawberry soup, something we’ve never had before. Served cold in little bowls.
Hannah comes by our table to take our orders. She explains how Amanda had to use the watermelon before it went bad. “And, it’s hot out,” she persuades. She mentions puree and chopped strawberries, moving table to table, pitching her young voice to hearing-aid-loud. But even Amanda is doubtful of this once-in-summer or once-in-a-lifetime experiment.
A few of us are always safely curious, not to mention intrigued, by the break in routine. We say “yes” to the new concoction, choosing it over the more predictable meatball subs. We taste. And it’s good. Almost smoothie drinkable. There’s a hint of cucumber and something that sweetens the deal. Other residents decide to try or at least follow our lead. Health, fun and fiscal responsibility mixed, blended and taste-tested by our clever chef before she left for the day.
When Amanda returns tomorrow morning, we will evaluate the new recipe while eating French toast with surprise bananas on top. And, with delight, we will ask, “What other leftover creations could there be?”
As it turns out, there have been several outstanding creations. Our newest cook, Ina, made large, chewy banana cookies the other night. She used oatmeal, too. When we laughed at her baking ingenuity, she said, “Amanda asked me to ‘Use up the bananas.’ I had to do something, right?”
I’m sure the recipe involved brown sugar and maybe a few chocolate chips. Rumor has it that there are more in the freezer. Maybe we’ll get them as a treat during next week’s probable snow storm.
Nancy Scott
Easton, Pennsylvania
Note: For more stories from Nancy Scott’s independent-living facility, see My Castle.