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fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

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round his bed


3 thoughts on “round his bed”

  1. Such a vivid haiku. Having never seen a snowy owl, the haiku inspired me to look them up. I don’t know if the writer meant it this way but the owl felt like a soul taking flight into freedom. Enjoyed this much.

    1. Karen Richardson

      [quote name=”Pris Campbell”]Such a vivid haiku. Having never seen a snowy owl, the haiku inspired me to look them up. I don’t know if the writer meant it this way but the owl felt like a soul taking flight into
      freedom. Enjoyed this much.[/quote]
      Yes, I work with injured Raptors and a Snowy Owl. It was certainly my intent to impose the idea of a large, white winged Raptor taking flight into the vastness. Thank you so much for your comment and for “ getting me”

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