fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy



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4 thoughts on “dusk”

  1. Hi, This from the editor of the Pulse Haiku Feature, published every other Friday. When the submission window is re-opened this fall for 2016, the guidelines will again emphasize that, while 5 / 7/ 5 is not wrong, a haiku need not be 5 / 7/ 5; most haiku published here and in haiku journals in the U.S. & around the world do not use the 5 / 7/ 5 syllable count. What makes a poem a haiku is many things, including the juxtapostion of two images that show, but do not tell, and bring the reader into one moment in time. Comments tell us we have readers, so thank you… and, next year, please submit haiku with or without a 5 / 7/ 5 syllable count. Best wishes.

  2. I was informed when I published Haiku on my FB page that it was: Three lines, 17 syllables total, 5,7, 5. I like your thought however.

      1. [quote name=”Phred”]Easy enough to amend:

        Spinning nausea
        in the doctor’s waiting room
        a TV game show.[/quote]
        Like it and message still powerful. So much CRAP on TV.

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