fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

clinic window


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10 thoughts on “clinic window”

  1. The clinic window gives a sense that whatever you see from it would be tiny. Kind of like looking at the world through a slit

    It says to me that there is a big wide world out there, and in that since it is a hopeful piece.

  2. I read this in a hopeful way. Freedom is out there even when we’re not right now.

    Also, as an aside, Bellingham produces some wonderful haiku writers. A talented friend from Pont Roberts used to drive down to attend the haiku meetings there occasionally in the pre-Covid days.

  3. I love this haiku! Reading this after a LONG week of working at my healthcare job (in the Texas aftermath of the recent ice storm crisis) this haiku really brightened my mood. Thank you for this! For me, it could not have come at a better time!

    1. Gabrielle–I’m SO glad that you found this uplifting. My husband had a long career as a doctor in community clinics, so I know something about those long days and weeks. Nothing makes me happier than hearing that some bit of my creative work has been helpful to someone else. Thank you for your comment, and, especially, for your work.

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