fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy


About the Artwork

Illumination was painted during the worst months of COVID 19 in Southern California–November and December 2020. As I was preparing inpatient ethics teams for possible triage–and trying to support the moral distress of providers witnessing overwhelming number of deaths–I took a painting course–Legendary Mystic. It was a woman’s course designed to dig deeply into our own longings. I focused on embracing my inner light and beauty.

The painting is symbolic. Essentially, I am shining my inner light outwards toward others while holding stories of those I care for and about. I am also guided by light from nature (the Northern Lights) and by Sabbath candles symbolizing light rooted in my Jewish ancestry.

Painting during those bleak days of COVID kept alive my hope for better days ahead and honored the wells of beauty, talent and love that are present in our lives.”

Deborah Kasman says of herself, “I am a bioethics director, family physician, painter and mother to two wonderful young adults.  Single parenting, with one child special needs, and working in corporate medicine in bioethics can be very stressful.  I’ve used the arts – writing and painting for healing and time for my own reflection.  It grounds me.  I love painting because it is right brained. I face a blank canvas with no clue where I’m heading and trust the process I’ve learned from my teacher, Shiloh Sophia McCloud through a ‘intentional creativity’ to trust that painting this way will take me where I’m meant to go.  It has been very freeing to my soul and heart.”


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6 thoughts on “Illumination”

    1. Thank you Diana. That is lovely. I can send you a photo. I haven’t produced any copies. As long as it’s only for your personal use. The photo is only from my iPhone so it’s not great.
      If interested write to my email. Kasmand582 at gmail

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