fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

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Tag: transgender health

Kindness in the Face of Loss

Editor’s Note: This piece was awarded an honorable mention in the Pulse writing contest, “On Being Different.” I’ve just received a call from a hospital: An urgent appointment at its fetal-medicine unit has been arranged for me for tomorrow. I try to get all the critical information. “Which hospital did you say?” I ask. The medical secretary repeats the name, sounding a little surprised. I haven’t heard of this hospital; but then, I haven’t really heard of any, except for our local one.

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Treasuring Our Differences

Editor’s Note: This piece was awarded an honorable mention in the Pulse writing contest, “On Being Different.” I dread visits to the gynecologist. Even though I’m a healthcare professional myself—studying to become a physician assistant after years as a clinical-research coordinator—I struggle with the prospect of the impending visit on a deeply personal level. The crinkly gown, the pressure of the cold speculum and the pinch of the tiny brush that scrapes the cervix. A pap smear was bad enough when I identified as a woman—but as a nonbinary person with gender dysphoria, these visits act as a reminder that I was born into a body I don’t identify with, and I find visits to my gynecologist unbearable.

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His Mother’s Son

Editor’s Note: This piece was awarded an honorable mention in the Pulse writing contest, “On Being Different.” On a crisp Saturday morning in October, I drove through the early morning fog to the salon for my regular hair-coloring appointment. I looked forward to these appointments. The hour spent there was my “me” time, during which I enjoyed lighthearted conversations with my colorist, Tina, about movies or fashion while she did my hair. These chats, which took me to a different world—the world of normal people—were followed by a cup of rejuvenating herbal tea. After a hard week as an oncologist in a busy clinic, it was a welcome relief. This time was different, however.

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A Routine Transgender Visit

Nat Fondell “Hey, Rick. They warned you about me, I hope?” My routine med-student opening line elicits a slight smile from my balding forty-two-year-old patient and the patient’s wife. As we shake hands, I continue the script. “I’m Nat–the medical student. What brings you in today?” “Well, I’d like to transfer my care to this clinic. We’ve brought my medical records.” Together, they heave stacks of papers onto the desk. Rick’s hands slide back into the pockets of well-worn work jeans. “Can you tell me a bit about yourself?” Classic open-ended question. “Well, I’ve been seeing specialists for years about my headaches. That explains most of the paperwork. High blood pressure and high cholesterol. Plus my family has a bunch of cancers.” “And what pronouns

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