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Tag: ill parent
What If I Die Now?
When the Phone Rings at Night
Halloween Heartache
The Baby Monitor
Nunc dimittis
“Groanings Too Deep for Words”
She hadn’t been able to talk for several days. I don’t know what robbed my mom of her speech. Was morphine the culprit, with its ability to dull both mind and body? Did sheer exhaustion from laboring over each breath leave her too tired to talk? Or maybe her pain was so severe that she could not give voice to its intensity. But what she couldn’t speak with words, she spoke with groanings.
An Act of Love
We were best friends, but we always respected each other’s physical privacy. All of this changed when I became Dad’s caregiver.
Death Watch
Body Language
Alan Harris
after my father had his stroke
we never spoke again
but that didn’t stop us
from reading each other’s faces
recognizing the punctuated pauses
periods and question marks
etched in eyes, sighs and sad smiles
It took both hands to hold one of his
that first day in the hospital
as my eyes whispered how much I cared
and his smile replied, Thank you