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Tag: diversity

Checking Our Assumptions

Editor’s Note: This piece was awarded an honorable mention in the Pulse writing contest, “On Being Different.”

“Don’t leave menus in the apartments!” a voice called sternly as I stood by the elevators in the building where I live.

The speaker was a substitute doorman I’d never seen before. I was holding a plastic bag typically associated with Chinese takeout food, and I realized that he assumed I was there to deliver meals to weary or sedentary New Yorkers.

A variation of this scene took place another time with a different doorman.

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My Pen Is Mightier

After 9/11, I waited for The Moment.

I was only six when the Twin Towers fell, but even then I understood that being Muslim in America was going to be difficult. I imagined that a teacher would burst into my elementary-school class, point at me and scream, “Get out of this country, you terrorist!” I feared that my friends would look at me, wide-eyed, and never speak to me again.

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