fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

fostering the humanistic practice of medicine publishing personal accounts of illness and healing encouraging health care advocacy

The Gift of a Lie

Dad’s official death certificate lists “pancreatic cancer” as the cause of his death. His physicians determined this diagnosis after deciding that Dad had insulinoma; they reached this conclusion through a process of elimination after a long series of tests and after examining his symptoms. Specifically, Dad had extremely low blood sugar, causing him to descend into coma-like states where his mind suddenly shut down, his wobbling legs failed to bear his weight and his overall state-of-being deteriorated. The “cure” was to feed him protein and liquids every two-to-three hours, including throughout the night. Dad and I had many deep conversations at 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. as he ate his peanut butter sandwich and drank his milk or orange juice.

In our sixty-seven years together, I had never lied to Dad. But on this particular occasion, I did. At no time did I mention to him the words “pancreas” or “cancer.” What would have been the point? At age ninety-seven, when he was first diagnosed, he would have panicked and lived the last year of his life—he died at age 98 ½–in abject fear.

Instead, by holding back the truth, I gave Dad moments of joy—working together from our living room to solve questions on Jeopardy, going to the nearby yogurt store to enjoy a soft chocolate treat, sitting at the park to people watch. Yes, our days had tension and trauma, but they also had laughter and love. Hearing the words “pancreatic cancer” would have replaced optimism with pessimism, embracing the day with fearing the night.

Throughout my life, Dad inundated me with presents: the doll that could walk; the sweater that was the rage of the ninth grade class; the car I needed to get to my first job; the carpet that gave my new house a comfortable feel. He reserved Sundays for our “walks and talks” through the neighborhood, spent Saturday nights watching television with me while my peers went on dates, and stood by my side during every medical procedure.

Dad spent his life giving to me. I do not regret giving him the present of a lie as he neared the end of his life.

Ronna Edelstein
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


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7 thoughts on “The Gift of a Lie”

  1. Touching story. Interesting that his doctors did not give him his diagnosis. Did you or he request that he not be told? Modern Western medicine ethics teach telling the truth to patients. But some cultures including some Asian cultures prefer that patients not be told a terminal diagnosis.

    1. Thank you for your comment. My dad and his PCP had a long history. Therefore, the physician understood my request to not tell my dad the diagnosis. He knew the devastating effect it would have on Dad. We both wanted Dad to enjoy whatever time he had left.

  2. Wg Cdr DP Sabharwal

    Beautiful, forceful and yet so simple… The best part is in the last line: …. I do not regret giving him the present of a lie….

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