He speaks of Kali maa, goddess of time
while chemo and radiation pin him to the clock.
As if confessing to a thievery of time,
when they neared one hundred years,
my parents said they never expected to live so long.
Their time unfolded like a painted fan.
Einstein was wrong, you know. Time is not an illusion.
Our watches testify: Each moment destroys another moment.
Time is real. A measuring stick
of progression-free survival.
A wildness of cells in my son’s body.
I pause the video mid-sentence.
In the kitchen, the refrigerator hums.
The dogs bark at a someone passing by.
Pressing replay, I re-form the minutes.
Hours escape like steam from grandmother’s kettle
and wait like stars in daylight to return in the long dark.
4 thoughts on “Cancer Update Number 12 via YouTube”
Beautifully written. So moving.
Julia, I have loved your poetry for years, and applaud your ability to use some of the most heartbreaking moments in your life to allow us into your mind and heart. I pray for you and your family and your son as you go through yet another moment that no parent should experience. Sending much love, Joyce.
This is beautiful. I would love to see him on YouTube if you want to share his channel. My heart goes out to you, him, and your entire family
Robin, Thank you for your kind words. This is my son’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@bpal32
He is honored by and appreciative of your interest.